Musical greeting cards are a great gift for the closest people. We will help you create an original gift – which will convey the most positive emotions and create a sense of celebration!

Music cards without design
Attention! The melody is provided by the customer and is fully responsible to third parties for the right to use it.

Musical card to order with high-quality and long-lasting sound
Attention! The melody is provided by the customer and is fully responsible to third parties for the right to use it.

Musical card with individual design
Attention! The melody is provided by the customer and is fully responsible to third parties for the right to use it.

Musical card with your design
Attention! The melody is provided by the customer, who is fully responsible to third parties for the right to use it in full or in part.
Examples of music cards:
Greeting music card from Music💝Cards is the best gift for the most beloved and dear people!
Greeting cards have become an integral part of a culture of relationships people. It’s always nice to get a postcard, but Music💝Cards musical cards are more than a postcard; they can be classified as an exclusive gift, with which you can beautifully express your attitude to a person.
What is the exclusivity secret of the musical card from Music💝Cards?
An exclusive feature is that each music greeting card from Music💝Cards has an individual graphic design and sound, i.e. all images and sound messages will be personal and in a single copy. Make an order and we will help create an original gift that will cause only the most positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time!